
Today we went to Yad Vashem. It was an enlightening experience, because we learned about how Holocaust survivors were able to return to society even stronger than they were before. We felt very appreciative of what we had when we saw how whole families were wiped out and never got to say goodbye. We later presented first person poems that we wrote pertaining to the St. Louis. After that we went to Har Hertzel in which one of the very first things we did was share our hopes and dreams. After that we visited Channah Senesh's burial site and learned about her eagerness to help Jews in need all around the world. Then we saw Yonatan Natenyahoo's grave and learned about his selflessness and bravery. Next we learned about Mike Levin who was a Lone Soldier, and the only American to die in the second Lebanon War. Following that we learned about Roei Klein and how he jumped on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers.He survived, only to be killed by another grenade that was thrown right next to the bed he was lying on shortly after . His last words were the Shema. We then talked about how their hopes and dreams never came true and how blessed we are to have the opportunity to wish and dream.

Shabbat Shalom
Brett Mellul

Sent from my iPhone


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